The South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) took part in the 13th annual campaign of Take a Girl Child to Work, which was held on the 28 May 2015. The initiative aimed to encourage and expose young Grades 10 to 12 South African girl learners to the diverse career opportunities available.

The event reflected the aims of SAASTA, a business unit of the National Research Foundation, not only to equip learners with the knowledge they need in career choices, but also to excite young learners to be future leaders and advance the science and technology field within South Africa and beyond.  SAASTA does so by working to advance public awareness, appreciation and engagement of science, engineering and technology in South Africa through campaigns and initiatives such as this.

SAASTA ‘s efforts  in this regard were well received by the 65 Grade 10 learners  from Lofentse Girls High School who were hosted at the SAASTA Observatory. SAASTA representative, Isaac Shivambu, was surrounded by throngs of learners eagerly asking questions on nanotechnology and the science working environment, a reflection of their willingness to discover possibilities for their future.

During the workshops Mr Shivambu demonstrated hydrogen and fuel cell technologies (HFCT), one of the various focus fields at SAASTA. Learners observed with a sense of curiosity as the HFCT car kits were demonstrated while he explained the intricacies of the technology, its benefits and its impact on South African energy production in the future. The learners were further advised on possible career paths and study options they could  consider after matriculating.

The event proved to be a success, having not only exposed the girl learners to new career possibilities but also encouraging enthusiasm to pursue a future within the science and technology field.